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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tutorial install vbulletin 5

8:20 AM
  Selamat pagi semuanya....Hari ini saya akan memberikan tutorial mengenai instalasi vbulletin 5 connect.Tutorial ini saya berikan agar anda dapat dengan mudah menginstall vbulletin 5 ke web hosting agan.Oke langsung saja ke TKP.

NB:Disini saya tidak menyertakan script cms vbulletin,maka anda harus mencarinya sendiri

  Pertama-tama agan lihat dulu requirements vbulletin 5

Minimum Requirements: vBulletin is designed to run on every server that has PHP 5.3 or greater and MySQL 5.1.5 or greater installed. You must also have mod_rewrite, URL Rewrite or equivalent and you must upload the included .htaccess to your server.
It is recommended to use PHP 5.4, or later and MySQL 5.5 or later.

 1.Selanjutnya agan upload file ke web hosting agan....
 2.Kemudian agan rename config.NEW menjadi config.php di public_html web hosting agan dan rename config.bkp menjadi config.php di public_html/core/includes

 3.Kemudian atur config.php pada public_html seperti dibawah

    //    ****** Base URLs ******
    // The following settings all deal with the url of your forum.
    // If set incorrectly your site/software will not function correctly.
    // These urls should NOT include a trailing slash
    // This is the url and web path of your root vBulletin directory
$config['baseurl'] = '';   (Ganti your domain menjadi domain anda)

// This will only be used if you wish to require https logins
// You will not need to change this setting most of the time.
$config['baseurl_login'] = $config['baseurl'];

    // If you do wish to use https for login, uncomment this line
    // Then fill in your https url.
//$config['baseurl_login'] = '';

    //    ****** System Paths ******

    // This setting allows you to change the name of the admin folder
$config['admincpdir'] = 'admincp';

    //    ****** Cookie Settings ******
    // These are cookie related settings.
    // This Setting allows you to change the cookie prefix
$config['cookie_prefix'] = 'bb';

//    ****** Special Settings ******
// These settings are only used in some circumstances
// Please do not edit if you are not sure what they do.

// You can ignore this setting for right now.
$config['cookie_enabled'] = true;

$config['report_all_php_errors'] = false;
$config['no_template_notices'] = true;

// This setting should never be used on a live site
$config['no_js_bundles'] = false;

// This setting enables debug mode, it should NEVER be used on a live site
$config['debug'] = false;

// Assumes default location of core.
// These are the system paths and folders for your vBulletin files
// This setting is for where your vbulletin core folder is
$config['core_path'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/core';

    // This is the url and web based path to your core directory
$config['baseurl_core'] = $config['baseurl']  .  '/core';
Kemudian  edit config.php yang berada di public_html/core/includes seperti dibawah
Cari Database Type

 //    ****** DATABASE TYPE ******
    //    This is the type of the database server on which your vBulletin database
    //    will be located. Valid options are mysql and mysqli, for slave support add
    //     _slave to the end of the database class. 
    //    Try to use mysqli if you are using PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1+
$config['Database']['dbtype'] = 'mysql';
 Cari database name

 //    ****** DATABASE NAME ******
    //    This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
    //    This must be created by your webhost.
$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum';   (ganti forum menjadi nama database anda)


    //    This is the hostname or IP address and port of the database server.
    //    If you are unsure of what to put here, leave the default values.
    //    Note: If you are using IIS 7+ and MySQL is on the same machine, you
    //    need to use instead of localhost
$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';   (Ganti localhost menjadi server database hosting anda)
$config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;


    //    This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.
    //    These must be obtained through your webhost.
$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';    (Ganti root menjadi user database anda)
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';          (Isi dengan password database anda)

3.Selesai kemudian save lalu ketikkan www.domain maka akan terlihat seperti gambar di bawah ini
Tampilan instalasi vbulletin 5
Isi description sesuai keinginan
Setelah terlihat maka selanjutnya adalah dengan mengklik Begin Install setelah mengklik begin install maka akan muncul tampilan seperti diatas

Ganti BB title dan webmaster email sesuai keinginan anda

4.Setelah selesai klik OK lalu akan terlihat seperti dibawah ini
Tidak usah di setting
Pada langkah ini tidak usah di setting kecuali anda benar-benar professional.

Pengaturan admin
5.Setelah selesai klik OK lalu akan terlihat seperti gambar

setting nama admin sesuai keinginan agan lalu klik OK

6.Tunggu beberapa saat untuk mengimport template vbulletin
7.Setelah selesai semuanya maka akan terlihat seperti gambar disamping.Klik go to admin cp

8.Setelah menuju admin cp maka akan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah
Disitu ada pemberitahuan untuk menghapus install.php dan makeconfig.php pada dir public_html/core/install/

Setelah selesai menghapus refresh page dan akan terlihat page login admin



  1. makasih infonya sob, numpang praktekin.. hehe :)

  2. bagaimana cara order vbulletin, saya tertarik untuk membuat website forum


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